Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mayra-3-One Universal Language

Can we have a Universal Language?

Different languages exist all around the world, and each country has its own language to communicate; people who live in the same country don't have problems to speak to neach other, but could you imagine when you visit a foreign country and you can not have any communication with someone, that is the most serious problem. How can we communicate with the people who don't speak the same language with us?

The answer for this question is that we need a universal language, but what about the implication of  having only one language?

There are advantages and disadvantages to have a universal language. Some advantages are that we can communicate with foreign people, we can stablish relations with them, and  most important, we can express what we are thinking and what we want. Also, we can go whereever we want and don't have any problems to communicate with the people. Having a universal language is useful because we wouldn't have to worry about how we are going to talk, what we want to say; this is one way to expand   communication.

It would be better if all people around the world could speak the same language. We would have interaction with different cultures;  we could get more information about other countries. 

But what about the disadvantages? Having a universal language implies that each single word from our native language should be translated to another language; however, every country has its own alphabetical system, and the words and the meanings are so different. For example, when people translate words, they have to find the correct word and meaning, because in another language, there may not be the the exact equivalent; another example is the spelling, we don't write the same word in English as Chinese, and not all people can get the correct pronunciation and spelling, there are a lot of variables that we have to change to learn a new language.

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