Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Nick-24- Athletes and Artists too rich!?


Think yourself as an artist for a second. You spend almost all of your time on arts, because once you choose arts as your profession, it becomes a part of your life. You can't simply leave it in your office and go home. It follows you wherever you go. You must improve yourself at every step in order to compete with your counterparts and more importantly you must have that touch of creativity. On the other hand, if you work in a business company, you have got office hours, you have got weekends off, you have got a generous pay check and a lot of free time. It is only natural for an artist to make more money because they give everything they have got to arts while somebody who works in an office job only spends half of their life working.

Now let's think about athletes. In order to become a successful athlete and to keep it that way you must train a lot. You can ask whoever you want and I'm sure that all of them will give you the same answer, it is really challenging to be an athlete. You must train everyday in order to keep your performance level at maximum, you must be extra careful with your general health and you have to participate in long games. Have you ever tried to play a basketball match for four quarters or any sports game for that matter? It is really hard to keep up with the game especially if you are a good player, because in that case your coach will keep you playing all the time. Just constantly running for hours is hard enough, let alone trying to do your best in the meantime.

Moreover, let's think about the dangers and job security for artists and athletes. They are insured of course by numerous companies but that doesn't mean that everything is safe for them. Think about hockey players for instance, they can cut themselves very bad with those skates or break their bones while trying to prevent the other team from scoring a goal. This, compared to office work dangers such as backaches and RSI, deserves more money. I've also seen actors and actresses who spilled their guts out because of a misplaced shooting fuse. This fuses are supposed to explode outward in order to create the impression that an actor or actress is being shot but instead they can also explode inwards and cause vital injuries. 

Long story short, these people spend their whole lives in order to do arts and they are constantly working without any breaks or day off's. It is only fair for them to earn more money than the average worker because they do much harder work than them. Also they create something new out of nothing and they always challenge themselves to the very end. So if there is a wage/work ratio, I think that artists and athletes are earning what they deserve.not a penny more or a penny less.

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