Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Let's play the game of pretending?

I'll give you two possibilities... which one would you prefer for your life?

The Place for both scenarios - Brazil

-You are the youngest of 5 brothers. Your parents don't have a good financial situation. You have to walk 5 km to go to school every day and 5 more to go back home because there is no public transportation. Sometimes your parents prefer you stay home because it is too difficult to go to school and sometimes it is dangerous.
1) But you think, regardless the difficulties, it is important to go to school to have a good future. So, you walk 10 km everyday and when you get home, you still study till late at night, even though it is hard to buy books by your own, because they are expensive. When you grow up you enter a good university, after all you studied a lot. Your dream is to be a teacher, because you want to help the educational system in your country. So, you keep studying and finally become a teacher! Well, at the beginning the salary is not so good, but you believe that it will improve. After 15 years doing the same thing, you don’t see any improvement neither in your salary nor in the system. And everything you can do is keep teaching by the year you are able to retire, at least more 20 years.
2) So, you agree with your mom and just stay near home playing soccer all day. And it is what you do during your whole adolescence, after all it is easier. When, by accident, a talent-scout sees you playing and takes you to play for a team. Your coach thinks that you've got a talent and “sells” you to a bigger team. You are doing well and achieve recognition quickly. People like your style of playing and it takes you to a European team. By the age 19 you are earning millions without ever having made any effort for it. In 10 years you have enough money to be able to retire and have a good life forever!

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