Tuesday, December 18, 2012

wendy-3-Shootings in Schools what can be done ?

Reaction to Newtown school shootings

I read following on CNN, "The chilling sound of multiple shootings shattered the relative quiet of the school day at Sandy Hook Elementary School at around 9:30 Friday morning in US. The gunman forced his way into the school and killed 26 people(six adults and 20 children) in Connecticut. Children's age were all under the age of 10. Organizations are setting up ways to help through donations and support. They will provide support services to families and community. The Red Cross has also been on the ground, offering food and water to affected families and first responders, and providing more than 50 units of blood to Danbury hospital where some of the victims were transported. In addition, the nonprofit mental health clinic Newtown Youth and Family Services is providing counseling for families, community members and school staff. Also, there are many supporters.We can donate to help support them visit on Website." This story is everywhere  in newspapers, so we can know about all things of this news. Now, I want to give my opinion about this news.
Most of donations's purpose is making money to donate them. Donating is an important thing to support them but, I think victim's families were hurt because they've lost their dear families. The supporters who can help them relieve their wounded mind should counsel them. And we can send messages or cards to  them not only donating money. And we can prevent this situation and not to let it happen again. Parents should spend time with thier children not only to bring the bacon to home. Also, school principals have to prepare the teachers to react in emergency situations, and be ready to protect students in such situations. The US goverment has to control fire arms and make changes to gun's laws. I hope victim's families would be better.

Some children were putting candles on ground that set victim's photos.

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