Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Olivia-1-Arirtists and Athletes $

                          Is it worth it??

Do you want to be a millionaire? Many people envy and sometimes  are jealous of artists and athletes who  are earning lots of money.  However their earning a lot of money is fair.
There are three points why it is fair.

  First, they have spent most of  their time practicing to be their best , and they do their best to continue. Kim Yuan who is a South Korean figure skater is the 2010 Olympic champion in single said she has never participated in her school events because she had to  practice every day.
  Next,  they should earn money as much as they can when they are able to  because their retirement is very early. For example, soccer players tend to retire between the ages of 32 – 35 so they should prepare for retirement.  

 The last point is that they are qualified to have rewards. We can enjoy high quality cultures and game  thanks to them! if some one limited them to make money it would decline thieirr morale , also this situations would lead to  fewer artists and athletes trying to improve their talents.

 These are  the reasons why we should not criticize artists and athletes  who make a fortune. They have a right to  be rewarded for their talent.   

                                                                                                                                   Resource: google

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