Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Nick-25- Universal Language

                    LINGUA UNIVERSALI??

This question occurred to me last week, and it has been nagging my brain ever since. Wouldn't it be better if we had one universal language that would be the same throughout the world and perhaps beyond? or should every country keep their own language.
I think that the answer to this question is highly controversial. On the one hand, having several languages ensures the endurance of our cultural diversity. On the other hand, without a universal language how far can we go as human beings? how can we improve our social and technical skills without being able to communicate with each other properly?

First of all, I believe that we should have a universal method of communication with each other. Probably a language would be the most appropriate option because everyone knows how to use it. This universal language would give everybody a chance to participate in our development as a race, regardless of their ethnic backgrounds. We would be able to overcome our problems more easily with a universal language, because the more brains we got working on the problem the better our chances of solving it would be.

Moreover, having only one language doesn't mean that we should abandon our cultures and traditions. Actually I believe that if we replace our languages with a universal language, we would develop different dialects in time. These dialects would represent our country or region and we would still have our different cultural backgrounds while speaking the same language. This would improve our ability to communicate with each other.

Furthermore, this may sound funny now, but we should consider the possibility of life outside our planet. How would we communicate with aliens if we found them? If we want to expand our domain over more planets we must have a universal language in order to communicate with other forms of intelligence. Even if we don't want to expand, we should have it as a precaution against any external danger that may endanger us.

Last but not least, having a universal language would unite us under a single banner, thus it would prevent unnecessary conflicts between us. I believe that a universal language is crucial to our development and that even though it has got some drawbacks we should try to form a universal language among ourselves.

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