Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gustavo-9-My Favourite Who Moved my cheese?

Who moved my cheese?
An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life

Who moved my cheese? is an extraordinary motivational book about how to deal with change in our work and in our lives. Published in 1998 and written by Spencer Johnson, the book became very popular and also a best-seller because a huge number of companies used this book to motivate their employees and change their thoughts about change, making them see it as a positive thing and no a negative one.

The book features four characters which two of them are mice called "Sniff" and "Scurry", and two little-people called "Hem" and "Haw". They live in a maze which represents a work environment and look for cheese which represent the happiness and success. One day both groups find a huge stock of cheese in the maze and go there everyday and eat their own cheese. However, the cheese was finishing little by little and one day both groups arrived in the place and realized that there wasn't any cheese anymore. The mice group realized that they should start looking for another piece of cheese, but the other group with little-people did not accept the change and everyday they would go back to the same place hoping to find the old cheese. This last group took much more time to realize that they needed to start looking for another piece of cheese instead of just waiting for the same source. They did not want to go one step ahead because of being afraid to go on and somehow the cheese would come back there. One day Haw, one of the little-people, decided to go out to look for new cheese, but his partner Hem didn't want and stay there waiting for the old cheese. Then, after looking for some new cheese Haw finally found a new place with cheese, but they decided to leave his partner find his own way. But Haw wrote some phrases on the wall which reflect his experience which are:

Change Happens
They Keep Moving The Cheese
Anticipate Change
Get Ready For The Cheese To Move
Monitor Change
Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old
Adapt To Change Quickly
The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese
Move With The Cheese
Enjoy Change!
Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!
Be Ready To Change Quickly And Enjoy It Again
They Keep Moving The Cheese.

I really loved this book because in the simple way it shows how we have to deal with change and no wait for the worse. Also, we can use this learning to our lives as well as to our jobs and be aware and prepared to any change in any situation. This book taught me to deal with change and also to act before the worse happen and also always monitor the things to avoid that the change affect me in the negative way because in my point of view the change is a positive and a constructive thing. 

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