Monday, October 22, 2012

Victor-2- Math

How important is Math

Sometimes we try to figure out why we study maths. Sometimes we have the feeling that it is a waste of time to study complex math topics or subjects that we will never use in a practical way in our everyday life. However, nothing can be further from the truth.

On the one hand, we use maths in many situations in our life. We use it when we want to pay the bills, when we manage our banking accounts, our budget for a meal, a party or a trip. I think there are many reasons for being aware of our need for maths in order to manage well all these situations in our life. If we are not concerned about this, we may give more money on the bills; we may not manage our banking debts and pay a lot of money, or we may realize in the middle of a trip that we don’t have plenty of budget.

On the other hand, in our jobs we use some sort of math as well. Nowadays every career or working field such as administrative, social, health, tech, business areas uses maths. I also believe, that maths helps you manage technical issues. With the boom of computers and electronic devices, people need to think more technically and logically in order to learn how to use them and take advantage of those devices. Who haven’t used any device to calculate operations or use a program to manage a budget or any personal finances or administrative topic?

Furthermore, doing math helps the mind to better reasoning and organize complicated situations or problems into clear, simple and straight steps to solve them. Moreover, as students learn more maths, eventually they develop practical and logical methods that can resolve any difficult situations.

In short, we use maths knowingly or unknowingly in order to manage many situations in our life successfully and put it in order. That’s why I think it’s very important that everybody should have a good background in maths.

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