Monday, October 15, 2012

Mario - Bullying


The first response to this question would be probably a big NO, but are you sure that you have never bullied someone before? There are so many forms of bullying that we may have done it without even knowing what it was about...

Throughout our life we experience a lot of changes in how we interact with other people. For some time we are only dealing with family members, then we start to interact with friends and later with schoolmates and co-workers. These different layers of interactions in life contribute to the foundation of our personality and moral guidelines.

So, if you go back in your life and examine your past actions, how you find yourself? 

1 "Maybe it was peer pressure, it wasn't my fault, but I used to make fun of certain students because everybody was doing so."

2 "Even if the other kids were making fun of someone, I just didn't go along with them."

I believe that even if you grew up to be a mature and responsible person, the chances that you  had engaged in the first option some time in your life are very high, even if it looked a silly thing at the time. Maybe a mean childplay among cousins or maybe a silly joke about a classmate.
The fact is that we never know how people would have felt about these actions.

What we can do after read this is be sure that whatever you did in the past, don't do it again. It doesn't matter if you are 15 or 45 years old, there's always an opportunity to be a bully. Just don't do it.

Next time during the school lunch or office meeting, try to put yourself in the others shoes and realize how far you are going with a joke or a comment.
And for the future, you will have an important job raising a son or a daughter so they can be free of this awful thing, in either side of it.

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