Thursday, October 4, 2012

Jessica - 4 - Music

The Magic of Music

Music has the power to influence our emotions and help us to express our sentiments. It is extraordinary the way how it can affect us, like in a sad moment when the music make us be quite or cry, or in a happy moment when it makes us smile and jump. The music for me is kind of magic, because the melody affect and transform some moments in my life to something inexplicable.


In particular I love Brazilian Pop Music or MPB ( Musica Popular Brasileira) in Portuguese, which is a kind Brazilian urban music styles. Elis Regina, Tom Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes, they are the people who transform each melody to magic for my ears. They are the real artists of Brazilian music.


The MPB is a kind of music that make you relax. There is no problem that can put stress on me when I am listening to Brazilian Pop Music. I feel I am on the clouds and I forget all my problems. Also, it is a kind of music that has quality and is rich in culture. 



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