Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vlad-15-Is wireless technology safe?

Is wireless technology safe?                                 

The world grows and develops nowadays in a wide variety of directions. Special place in this development is paid to technologies, which have just fulfilled our lives. It’s hard to imagine modern life without technological devices, but only ten year ago people couldn’t even imagine that it’ll become possible to make a pocket-size device that would provide you access to the internet and keep all your data. That’s only one example of huge number of devices that surround us.

On the one had, there is nothing wrong with that technological progress. It makes people life much more convenient. On the other hand, there is a question that has got serious attention nowadays. The question is how harmful  these devices are for humans, especially those which give out radio frequency radiation.  The latest studies of that question show that the real danger of FR’s still hasn’t been proven. But at the same time it’s recommended to limit daily usage of these devices as the possibility of different diseases caused by radio frequency radiation exist.

I think that much more attention should be paid to this problem. When I start thinking of how many FR's sources surround me I realize that it’s good to be sure that it doesn’t have effect on me or at least to know how to protect myself from harmful influence. The development of high technologies seems only to be increasing, and the safe usage of them is the question that we are facing now. So we are responsible for using it right.  


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