Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Nick-14-ET's Do they exist!?


Is it possible that we are the only ones in this whole universe? I don't think so. Just think about it for a second, there are billions of planets, solar systems and galaxies. How come we can be the only life form, and how can we know that we are the only ones? We don't know what universe contains and we can't be sure that we are alone until we have discovered everything and searched everywhere. 

According to various sources there are different type of aliens and they have already visited us. As far as I know most of those sightings are misinterpreted because certain countries announced that some of those "UFO"s were actually military prototypes.

I don't want to talk about abductions, plots to overthrow governments or enslave humanity- I want to talk about facts. If you do some research about the subject, you can actually find certain cases that include facts and proofs. One of those cases that includes facts is the Project Gemini. Project Gemini was one of the USA's famous space programs and it was only after fifty years that astronauts who participated in the program came to talk about really creepy things including aliens. Astronauts claimed that they saw an alien spacecraft and took pictures of it but only the blurriest of those pictures were given to the newspapers by NASA and they told that it was just space debris. Here's the official mission log of Gemini 7;

Gemini 7: Bogey at 10 o’ clock high.
Mission Control: This is Houston, say again seven.
Gemini 7: We have bogey at 10 o’ clock high.
Mission Control: Gemini 7 is that the booster or is that an actual sighting?
Gemini 7: We have several, looks like debris up here. Actual sighting.
Mission Control: Estimate distance or size?
Gemini 7: We also have booster in sight. 

Frank Borman took this UFO picture during the fight of Gemini 7 150x150 Nasa UFO Encounters   Project Gemini (1965, 1966)

There is another case from my country Turkey, in this case two training pilots who were on a training flight when they encountered a UFO and they attempted to chase the UFO. Here is the official record of the conversation between the pilots and the ground command;

T-37 type training plane: Location Candarli, we have got an extraordinary situation here!

Ground Command: What's the situation?

T-37 type training plane : There is a cone-shaped shiny object with attached arms flying high and fast at 12 o' clock!

Ground Command: Locate and pursue, T-37!

T-37 type training plane: Roger that. Identify the object on the radar ASAP. I've never encountered anything like this, it may be a UFO.

Ground Command: We can identify your craft but we are unable to identify any other craft near your position T-37.

T-37 type training plane: We are heading towards the object.

Ground Command: We still can't identify any object on the radar at the moment.

T-37 type training plane: the object is heading towards us now!

Ground Command: Radar identification is negative.

T-37 type training plane: The object just passed under our wings, I will attempt an intercept.

Ground Command: I repeat, radar identification is negative.

T-37 type training plane: the object is in front of us now, it looks like it is having a dog fight with us!?

Ground Command: We just identified the object T-37, keep on pursuit.

T-37 type training plane: the object disappeared out of sight with extraordinary speed.

After the pilots reported this to their superiors the case was immediately hushed up and this conversation was top secret until last year. Last year the Turkish government officially released the full content of the conversation. 

In a nutshell, our universe is huge and we can't know what's going on in it, so I believe we shouldn't think that there aren't any other life forms in the universe. These two separate cases were confirmed by governments and concluded to be authentic. In the light of the information that I have presented in here, I suggest that you should think twice or even thrice before saying that there aren't any other life forms in the universe.

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