Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Closing the Wealth Inequality Gap

Nowadays the rich is becoming richer and the poor is becoming poorer. The wealth inequality gap widens everyday and what is worst; it will keep like this because no one wants to do something.

The economy systems in most of the countries have benefited the rich more than the poor. And the governments are just trying to look after their own interests instead of the people's interests or needs. The new laws or law’s modifications just try to protect the big companies that  invest in the countries to create jobs and make towns prosperous, but the truth is, they are looking to have less production and operation expenses to have more profit. They pay low wages, have the worst working conditions because they don’t care about their workers, but moreover, they have the power of doing this because the law and government system allow them.

We can see, on the one hand, huge companies competing unfairly with each other because they are monopolies, billionaires fighting for oil in the Middle-East, and on the other hand, children starving and dying in Africa and many other countries. Percentage of families in very poor situations is rising in countries where they’re supposed to be growing economically, and people still believe in old political parties.

I believe that there should be a stop to all this inequality; I agree that every country needs to have a limit to maximum personal wealth at $100 million, and every other income should be destined to the poor people or the non-profit organizations that help these people. However it’s not enough, governments need to avoid corruption, raising wages has to be forbidden for people that are already well paid, employment rate needs to be raised for less-educated people, governments need to support, improve and promote more education opportunities for everybody, as well as support small businesses more than huge companies.

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