Wednesday, October 24, 2012



You may hate it now, but I assure you once you finish reading this article you will have different ideas about math. Math is not just geometryalgebra or other high school things you have learned. Math is the centre of everything. When you go to a Tim Horton's, you use math in order to calculate the money you pay to buy your coffee. While walking, you unknowingly use math in order to avoid colliding with other people and you use math in order to calculate what you are doing, where you are doing it and when you did it. For some people math is holy, for others it is just a stupid thing you need to learn in order to pass your class. People of various lines of work believe that math represents beauty and perfection.

Yes, I know it is hard to believe that math can be used to express beauty or perfection but believe it or not, every beautiful thing in the universe shares the same proportion. This proportion is called The Divine Proportion and it is a solid evidence of math's effect on everything that's going on in our universe.The Divine Proportion was closely studied by the Greek sculptor, Phidias, and as a result, it took on the name of Phi. Also referred to as the Golden Mean, the Magic Ratio, the Fibonacci Series, etc., Phi can be found throughout the universe; from the spirals of galaxies to the spiral of a Nautilus seashell; from the harmony of music to the beauty in art. A botanist will find it in the growth patterns of flowers and plants, while the zoologist sees it in the breeding of rabbits. The entomologist views it in the genealogy of a bee, and the physicist observes it in the behaviour of light and atoms. A Wall Street analyst can find it in the rising and falling patterns of a market, while the mathematician uncovers it in the examination of the pentagram.

Artists also use Divine proportion in order to express the ultimate beauty and perfection. They try to draw or compose everything according to the Magic ratio,which is 1.618, and they believe that it is the glue of the universe, the ultimate ratio that symbolizes perfection throughout the universe. One of the most common example for The Divine Proportion is Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing The Vitruvian man. Da Vinci defines a human male's proper proportions in the drawing by using The Divine Proportion.

In a nutshell, when the next time you go out just try to realize the things you are doing, you will be surprised to see how math affects your life. Always keep in mind that math is the key to everything, whether it is perfection you are looking for or simply buying a coffee.

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