Monday, October 22, 2012

William #1 - Math

Mathematics - How important is it?

Although I don't like math I do believe that it is one of the most important subjects to be learned in school. There are several reasons to believe that math can help anyone to develop skills and help the mind to resolve any complex situation. Moreover, nowadays to get a well-paid job, every company demands that the candidate has math knowledge and at least must know how to do the basics arithmetic operations.

A quick look into the link below can show that math is one of the most rewarding fields to choose.

The benefits for those who have a strong education in math are numerous. First, if the student during  elementary school have a great introduction in math, all the others subjects seem to be easier. It's because math helps people to think clearly and turn a complicated situation into an easy problem to solve. The more we study math, the more rational and logical we become to be.

For instance, if you go to the Internet, we can find many exercises which promise to develop our brain and the five main cognitive functions, and most of them are related to math.

Second, in every moment of our lives we are facing some sort of math problems. During the day in different situations we need to do math to solve a bunch of problems. For instance, during our day we need to use money in order to pay bills, to have lunch , take care of your bank account and check budget. Every second our brain is doing math, adding and subtracting, checking numbers and dealing amounts. In a nutshell, our brains keep busy all day long dealing with numbers, doesn't matter what your major is.

Due to these reasons, for those who have not had a strong foundation in math, these simple things in life can become a very difficult challenge. Even for me, as a lawyer, every day I face problems related to math, such as calculating the penalty  a client has to pay or the amount that I should charge a client.

Furthermore, math is the most widely studied subject in the world. Every subject in one point will use math  to determine numbers, counts or quantity of something. For students, math is even more important. University programs demand students to have a good background in math. The candidates have to have high grades in high school to be able to deal with the disciplines they have chosen to major in.
This is a common subject and many universities in their websites warn students about the importance of math. University of Northern BC puts it in following words:
"That marks are important and have a strong bearing on, not only entrance to university, but also success upon their arrival in their first year"

A recent survey has shown that the students who come to University with a poor grade in math can not progress in other disciplines. A lack of math education during high school can affect the future of students, as they won't develop important parts of the brain, being not able to think clearly.

Therefore, all students while in high school should take math very seriously, which helps them to develop different parts of the brain, acquiring skills and pushing themselves to the edge.

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