Thursday, October 4, 2012

Vlad -13 - Music

                                                               Music in my life.

Music is one of the things whithout which I can't imagine life of people. It's followed humans throughout  history and has never become less popular. Even when people couldn't speak they produced some sounds. It's one of the ways to express yourself. Nowadays it's a huge field of studies, it has it's own theories and tons of knowledge.

I never could understand these strange people who spend their time listening to clasical music or opera. Moreover how people can make it their proffesion!!! And I was thinking that way untill I got the idea that may be it's not an accident! Probably there is something there.  my trip into wonderful world of music started here. Everyday I made myself  listen to something new beginning from famous performers to those who are good but not very well known. Couple months passed, and music in my ipod had changed completly. If anyone told me that instead of my favourite pop performers I'll listen to classic I would have never belived it. But it is what it is. Now I can undoubtably state that high quality music has huge effects  on  people. It can change moods, it makes you look differently at the world, because in good composition artists spend so much time, so much time and emotions and all that is put in 5 minutes.  Just as an example one of my favourite composers: Adrian Willaert

                                              That has really  positive and relaxing influence.

I belive that music should be taken more seriously. It's should become one of required subjects in schools and universities, because it takes time and will to get the ability to distinct good  from bad. Otherwise cheap pop music will take the lead.


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