Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Vlad -12-Russia. Past and present


I would like to introduce Russia, a country with a long and exciting history full of breathtaking and sometimes tragic events. After the revolution in 1917 the country steped into its new historical period in history known as communism. Communism  started after the revolution, and lasted until the USSR fell apart in 1991. This period  undoubtedly has played a great role in country's development, and in my opinion has  affected a lot on the life that Russia has now.

All grown ups always like to talk about the great country that was ruined, and will never be restored again. They always say that it was great time when they lived in peace, and had plenty of goods, food and anything people may need for their life. Education got to very high level, economical growth set new records every year. Sounds like great time. Thus I have a notion about the life in that time. Personally I like most of all the fact that the government had created equality for all people. That means that there really were no rich people. Everybody got pretty similar wages that were enough for a normal life, and if I can also mention such details that education and medicine were free, and moreover people got free apartments to live, that really sounds like a great time.

The only thing that seems to me unfair in USSR's politics is that it was restricted for people to go abroad. In my   opinion that is serious disruption of human rights. Can you imagine I wouldn't have been able to come to Canada!!!


The end of USSR and together with it the beginning of capitalism brought many changes and problems to the country. The early nineties will stay in the history as the time of crimes, murders and separating spheres of influences among "businessmen". From that time the population of  Russia  separated to rich and poor. 
The period from 1991 till 2000 is know as "tough nineties".From stories which I've heard many times it sounds like it was really rough times. 

Without any doubt  now a lot things have changed. Still no one can say that it has got much easer to survive in this  country, but in my opinion vanishing of the borders, and easy access to abroad is a big step forward, and I can say that I'm happy to live in this period.          

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