Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nick-18-is Technology Safe?


I believe that technology is dangerous for us, but it won't stay that way for long. For billions of years Earth has evolved in countless ways and it has always endured regardless of what has happened on it. I believe that our era is just the beginning of everything. The radioactive waves can harm us now, but humans also have adopted to their environment and endured for thousands of years. We will get used to the radiation and eventually we won't be affected by its by-products and will be able to use our technology without hesitation or danger.

Our environment won't be destroyed unlike what some scientists say because we are not strong enough to damage Earth. If we use factories and Wi-Fi the World will accept them in time just like we will. Nevertheless, our generation is not so lucky and probably we will suffer from various diseases related to radiation-exposure. Pretty much everything surrounding us is emanating electromagnetic waves and exposing ourselves to those waves for extended peroids of time may affect us in the long-term. But I think that humanity as a race won't be affected by radiation only a smaller part of it will suffer from it and unfortunately that smaller part includes our generation.

Long story short, remember that we have endured worse things than PC's and cars as a race and a Planet. Our generation may suffer from it but this dilemma of Technology won't last forever!!

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