Monday, October 22, 2012

Jessica - 6 - U.S.Election

Does U.S. election have any impact on your life?


The United State election has a profound impact in the entire world. The choice of a new president in the United States can affect the lives of not only Americans, but also, in different aspect in other countries. Economics, security, financial crisis, they are important points that for sure will be affect by the new election in the United State.

The world will have a different reaction, depending on the political and economic vision adopted by the new president, so I do not know exactly the extension of this impact in my life or in the entire nation around the world. I just know that some issues, which pertain only to the United States, are also of interest in Latin America, including Brazil, which is my country.

One of this interesting is the foreign trade. United State are the largest buyer of Brazilian products, it is around 14% of exports of Brazil, this number can increase or decrease

The consequence of the U.S. election in any country is inevitable, it can be beneficial and unfavourable for Brazil. We just have to be prepared for any impact from this election to us. 

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