Wednesday, October 24, 2012

William - #2 Wireless technology

Wireless Technology 

Is it safe to humankind?

Since 90's the world technology has improved. Computers, mobiles, tablets, different sorts of devices working on with eletromagnetic radiation. Is it safe to keep using these devices daily without being concerned about health? What health hazards should those who use these devices be concerned about?

These questions are becoming more frequent among  us. Everybody nowadays has more than one device which produces eletromagnetic radiation and stay on for the entire day, receiving and transmitting data through radio frequency.

It's not hard to find places in big cities where you can find wi-fi access. In metropolitan areas people are bombarded with different levels of radiation. In the  past few years this issue was not the main concern of health agencies. 

Although they could not be concerned about the sprawling of wi-fi devices and cell-phone towers,  this question is becoming more usual and many professionals in different areas are debating this issue. It is happening because people have started complaining about health problems which could be caused by the unbridled use of wi-fi.

In a recent article published in a newspaper, scientists were showing that many health problems such as migraine, headaches, nauseas and heaviness of the body can be caused by radio waves. These symptoms are more common for those who claim to be eletromagnetic hypersensivity or EHS.

However, medical field doesn't has any real evidence that radio waves can be dangerous to our health. In the same way, wireless industry claims its technologies and levels of radiation are safe. Although we have noticed that this question seems to be a serious problem that humankind might have in the near future, we don't have any proof that radio waves or eletromagnetic are dangerous, and it doesn't seem  that anyone would be willing to abandon all the benefits that technology has been bringing to us in the recent evolution.

Therefore, while we don't have any proof that eletromagnetic radiation or radio waves are dangerous for people, the trend is the use of devices such as cell phones and residence Internet routers grows, as this gadgets make the life easier.

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