Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Yong-5-100 Million Max

Maximum personal wealth

Most of the people want to be a happy and want to live a happy life. A happy life is that people want to do things they like to do. However, in order to do things, you need money. When people have leisure time or for studies, money is the biggest problem. As a result people want to make money as much as they can. But here is what I think we need to do. How much the maximum personal wealth should be? Of course, it depends on people and how much they want. Now I would like to express my opinion.  

Some people think that Maximum personal wealth should be 100 million dollars. Of course, 100 million is enough money to eat some food and to buy personal things. However, Nowadays 100 million dollars is not enough to buy even their house such as an apartment and  a luxury car.

As a result, I would say that 100million dollars is not enough money to have personal wealth. I think that what people feel happy and personal wealth is having they want to do such as buying house, car or valuable stuff. However in order to have these things they would have over a billion. I know that making over a billion is really difficult and some of the people think that they don't need too much money when they have personal wealth. Despite that I believe that money is always necessary to buy you want to do or enjoy your life. What I want to talk is that maximum personal wealth should be 1000million dollars. Moreover, nowadays people prefer to live more health life beside they invest to live more valuable lives. Above all,  the average life expectancy is getting high. For my generation, it would be over 100years. Until end of our life to live valuable life we need more 1000million dollars. 

Lastly, I would say that money is important our life however more important things is our health and family. Therefore we always take care of our health with money is the best way to live.   

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