Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Elaine-14-Vancouver panhandlers

Learn how you can really help street people!

It is the spirit of human solidarity that leads someone to give money to beggars. However, you must think that this gesture of "love" may be contributing to the increase of a social problem. I'm sure that people who give spare change to panhandlers only want to help; they think they are doing a good thing and feel proud of themselves. But instead, not realizing, they are encouraging people to go to streets and "helping" beggars to get more and more involved in drugs. Not to mention that if giving spare change were a solution for this social problem, it would be an emergency short-time solution to structural problem (it means: it wouldn't be a solution at all). First of all, to solve this social problem, people need to be aware of the negative aspects of giving spare change. Second, being aware, if they want to help, they should give that money that to organizations that support street people and know how to do it, know what their needs are and give them a better future. Lastly, people who have the awareness about how bad it is to give spare change to panhandlres, should advice people who do so and tell them about the organizations that help street people.

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