Thursday, January 3, 2013

Olivia- #7- Good Bye 2012

Good Bye 2012 And Welcome 2013!

 In the last year, 2012, there were lots of changes and experiences for me.
First of all, the best thing and worst one are that I came to Vancouver!!

 On the first day of 2012, I promised that I would be  a more independent person and I thought how I can change my attitude. However I couldn’t change  until July when I decided to go to abroad. However, when I decided that many people  were worried and expected I might not go to Canada or come back to Korea early, but I have been here ever since!!  Of course, the decision was a huge and challenging decision for me, because before I came here I was very dependent on  people around me; parents, sister, teachers and friends and asked  them everything and I couldn’t do things by  myself.  This decision was needed  and it has made me grow more independent.

 However, I also regret coming to Canada impulsively in some ways because  I came to Vancouver without planning. I decided to come here only one month  before I left and then it was  final exam period, so I didn’t have preparatory period and exact plan. Therefore, the first and second months in here were very hard time for me, I had terrible stress and I couldn’t adapt to a different environment easily!!
Therefore I have sometimes thought that if I had come to Vancouver with enough time to prepare and study, I could have focused on studying more and improve my English better.  If I have a chance like this later, I will prepare thoroughly so I will never waste time and opportunity.

The 2012 made me  grow more and gave me a big lesson.
Good bye 2012 thanks to your teaching, I will never make the same mistakes!!!

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