Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mayra-6-Technology: Vices & Virtues

Keeping technological life..?

Nowadays, people keep in touch through devices such as cellphones and laptops, and do you know why? let me give you some reasons that are the most important to me .
People create this type of independence from their devices, because technology is being one of the tools that makes our life easier. Almost all of us usually use some devices, it doesn't matter if it's expensive or cheap,  because we feel that this is indispensable to our lifestyle and we think this is the best way to keep in touch with people who are around us. For example, when you need a favor or information, just  click or push on an option and you get the information and send the message, and that's all, it's great, right???

Technology allows the interaction between people who live in different countries, also you can surf the Internet and find what you are looking for, the connetion between these gadgets and people is really incredible, wespecially feel  that our cellphone is a part of us, and when we lose it or we leave it in our home, the feeling is really bad, because we feel that we are not in touch with the world  and we don't have anything to connect to.

In fact, the advantages to be connected with people through these gadgets  is easy and you get whatever you want just in a minute, but what happen when you let your machine manages your life, you spend a lot of time looking at your cellphones and you don't pay attention to people who are with you in that moment, you lose important details in your life, because you are only interested int knowing what is happening in your social networking side or you just lose your time sending messages.

Communication between people  is being conditioned by the revolution of technology and this dependence will be growing if we allow that our devices take control of our life.

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