Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mayra-5-Pipeline in BC

Pipeline through Vancouver

There are a lot of problems that might come to Vancouver and its people because of a future pipeline.  People are afraid because of the project to create the Northern Gateway from Alberta to British Columbia. The government is expecting to create more jobs and increase Canada's oil export revenues, but the damage it can cause is enormous. 

The people have started to protest about this, because this project will cause a natural disaster, to implement this project they need to create a pipeline, where the oil will be passed through the city.  Making this project, they would affect part of the nature in British Columbia, but  what about the damage if the pipeline is damaged? It will be a really big disaster; the people who live close to the area would have serious environmental problems. The land and the natural resources, such as the water could mix with the oil.

On the other hand, the government is really interested in this project, because they think, that it will bring benefits to people, because it creates more opportunities, such as, new jobs and the the financial situation of the city will be improving, and if they have more exports, they will get a positive result to the economy.

Now, this is a big challenge to the government to try to convince  the protesters and all of people who are worried about this project. 

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