Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jude-1-Vancouver panhandlers

 My very first impression of Vancouver was awesome; beautiful, spacious, clean, fresh and peaceful. It's so sad that I have not got enough time to list all the good things it has. On the other hand, everything even , the most beautiful jewelry such as diamond could have flaws; panhandlers seem to be the biggest one that makes Vancouver ugly but nothing else. You will see a lot of panhandlers in many places such as in front of stores, stations, Mc Donald's, and even in washrooms. I can't help thinking of a bunch of questions; 'why there are so many panhandlers?',  'does Canadian government have a will to solve this problem?, 'where does that all high taxes go to?', and 'don't Canadians feel any inconvenience about it?'

 Let's see why there are so many panhandlers in Vancouver. I did not do research or so but the reasons I could get superficially were like this. Since income of people here are comparatively higher than any other cities, people are generous and more friendly. This leads to pan handlers getting some small donations so that they earn money without doing nothing. However, easy come easy go, they  do not save it for the future and just live a daily life.

  The silver lining regarding pan handler problem is that Canadian government has some programs and the ways to solve it. I found that social safety network in Canada is very substantial. I could find many good programs in coummunity centers and even in the ads in buses that help people not to suffer by themselves in various problems; financial, family, and working.

 In short, Canadian government has to be more supportive and effective. If they educate people and enact laws strongly, I do believe that there will be fewer panhanders in streets. All they need is a strong will. I hope they can find the best solution that does not hurt neither panhandlers nor the citizens.

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