Thursday, January 3, 2013

denise-Goodbye 2012

it's a new dawn

Every December I feel nervous because of two reasons; first one is that I was born in December. So I
know that I'm getting older. Second reason is that it’s the ending of the year. So I have to revise my plans, make resolutions, set my goals and evaluate the previous year.

Evaluating the previous year is not always fun. Sometimes it’s hard to face the problems that you could not solve, wrong decisions that you made and disappointment that you felt. It’s easy to criticize somebody else’s life but when it comes to do the same thing for your life, then it’s hard.

I’ve already finished my evaluation of 2012. As a result I found myself pretty successful. I came to Vancouver, studied English, found a job, and went to my dream city, New York. I did everything with the money that I had earned. Feeling the success gives me confidence. Now I’m ready for 2013 with  full confidence.

I can’t deny that I’ve made some mistakes. I broke one of my friend’s heart which also made me sad. I was not aware of what I did to her. When I realized, it was too late. Unfortunately there is no way to turn back the time. I’m still waiting for the time when she forgives me.

With all the negative and positive memories, I can say that I had great time in 2012. It gave me the power to see my capability and also a chance to live in a different culture which improved my point of view in many ways. My family and I have enjoyed good health. What else a person can dream of?

December has passed, New Year just came. I have new hopes, new goals to achieve and new expectations.
As the song says:
It's a new dawn
 It's a new day
 It's a new life
 For me
 And I'm feeling good.’

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