Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Neighbours, yeah... but business is business!

Your neighbour wants to pass a pipeline through your backyard to be able to water his kitchen garden in the other side, as it is his livelihoods. You won't receive anything for providing him your space. He will take about 2 months to get it all set. Machinery will make lots of noise day and night. Your neighbour will be earning money, while you will be being stressed out with his business. Should you let him pass the pipeline though your backyard? Well, now you know the situation that British Columbia needs to handle with regard to the oil of Alberta. Alberta wants to pass a pipeline through British Columbia to transport its oil to the port and over seas. But think about the stress of the setting of the pipes and later of the risk of future leaks and pollution and not receiving anything for this. In my opinion, everything has a price, and Alberta should pay a fair price for this, after all they will earn lots of money with this venture, and they also need to think if it were the other way round.

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