Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mayra-7-3 Wishes

Wishing wishes,1... 2...3...

All people have different wishes and priorities in their lives, some of them just wish for intangible things, other wish to have money to buy expensive things, such as cars, fancy clothes and accessories made by popular brands,  but If you had three wishes, what would you wish for???

My three wishes would be:

Happiness to all people, if all people would be happy, we would not have any worries about what is happening around the world. You could smile at everyone; we would have a harmonious life and  good communication amount us; the wars would  stop and  people wouldn't kill each other. The environment and the social life would be different, if we were happy with ourselves and the others.

Social equality, If people had  social equality, everybody would have the same opportunities to have a better lifestyle, we would have the same resources to get a good education, clothes and whatever we want, and  most importantly  poverty wouldn't exist.

Traveling,  finally I wish I could  travel around the world. In such in case,  I would have many experiences in my life, because I would visit a lot of places, I would learn more about different cultures and I would meet many people from different countries.

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