Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jude-3-Mobile communication technology: Vices or Virtues?


Mobile communication technology: Vices or Virtues?

 Have you felt vibration your pocket when there is no phone in it? No?! Sorry, I do not believe you. I feel this all the time until now even though mine was stolen two days ago and it is not with me. If you are like me, you are also addicted to mobile communication technologies. I do not deny that these technologies and devices have enriched our lives; it does not let you feel bored when you are commuting and traveling or when you have nothing else to do. However, beyond that it has so many vices for example, addictions, ironic isolation, and mental hazards.

 Do you use your smart phone smartly? Well, I do not and probably you do not either. The first purpose of such inventions was making people's life easier by providing mobility of technology so that people can check their e-mails and play games at any places and time. It also has made it possible for people to access information and work easily. How is it used now? On the contrary and to disappointment of many of us, mobile communication technology met bad friends; facebook, games and Kakao tok. They meant to help us to communicate with others but it seems that it is not going well as it was meant. We glance at our Galaxy too much for nothing; open Facebook 20times a day, play games that are not interesting anymore. I mean  you  play games  and ask yourself why you have been doing that for  two hours.

 Addiction also leads to isolation for instance, I go to school do facebook during the break time and do not talk with my friends; I go to the gym do facebook and do not work out with other people; I go home and do facebook and do not talk with roommates. Those may not be typical scenes of isolation but they are. We face so many people each day but we use our own gadgets and do not talk. Does that work same way even when it comes to when you are the person who you adore? I hope damn no.

 Finally, mobile technologies are hazardous not only for adults but also children. These gadgets have made me, the 21-year old grown up Jude, a slave to them. He will not be able to live without them even though he is writing about their vices. Then, how will these machines affect children? Once I read a shocking article that electronic devices change the shape of  the brain of children. According to it, since electronic devices do not require any higher level of consideration, it eventually make children's brain not to think deeply. Isn't that really scary news?  

 I do believe that it is absolutely necessary to regulate usage of mobile communication technologies. We must not allow them to harm us anymore. To put it in a nutshell, we have to use mobile communication technologies smartly and live as their owner not as their slaves.

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