Thursday, January 10, 2013

Olivia-7-Vancouver Homeless people

The facts of Vancouver homeless people

 Perhaps your will be surprised when you come to Vancouver, because there are a lot of homeless people in the streets. It was also shocking  for me, and I wondered why there are so many homeless people who ask money or changes from pedestrians to get something to eat . I  heard some  facts about them; Why there are lots of homelessness in Vancouver.
 First, the reason why we can find homeless people in the streets easily is that Vancouver is the warmest city in Canada. Canada is very cold in winter so it is impossible to sleep outside in winter except Vancouver Every winter many homeless people die when they are sleeping in the streets in cities like Toronto.

 In addition, I wondered why the beggars where asking for money instead of working and making money. I thought they are lazy and I couldn’t understand why they don’t work even though they look  young and healthy enough to working. I found out the reasons soon. Most of these people are having psychological, problems and ,depression is very common. When I heard the reasons, I felt sorry for them.

The last thing that was surprising to me was the government’s support. The Canada government helps them with some amount of money which when they are working to the homeless people. However I think this is not a good way to help them. I guess this reason also make them not to work, they don’t have to work for their keep. I think it is better help for them that supporting their mental treatment and offering fit job for them.
It is better teaching how to fish than giving a fish.

I realized again that I should not criticize or judge by appearances without precise information. In addition, I feel sorry for them and  I want them to find a solution which can help them to live  like other people.

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