Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Larissa - 1 - Vices & Virtues of Technology

Vices & Virtues of Technology

The apple generation! that's what we should be called. Ipod's, Ipad's and Mac's. Technology is everywhere and the more it evolves, the more difficult it gets to think independently without it. It has made our lives a lot easier. For example: You can talk with a person that is in another country very easily and sometimes you don't have even to pay anything for that.

However, until what point is it acceptable to have technology around? the evolution of technology has made mankind think less. And the reader of this blog would ask: Why that? Well, we don't have to think, the computer thinks by itself and gives us the answers. Also we spend less time doing outdoor activities. we spend our time on our cell phones, computers and videogames.We are all the time connected to the world but at the same time we are not!
Specially when we talk about the education it's clear that the Internet and its social networks have changed the whole idea about learning. It has brought great development but also has changed relationship among people.
We have to remember that even though technology is really helpful it should have a limit. Putting a boundary that we are a thinker society and in the end we are the one who should manipulate it not the ones who are manipulated by.

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