Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Luis-4-Communication Technology

Communication Technology. "Vices and Virtues"

The last revolution of the humanity was created by technology. From that moment society has changed in different ways, one of the views is optimistic because the globalization began, the enterprise have new ways to recollect information, the new Marketing methods have appeared and the people have new channels of communication. At the same time lots of people are against this trand of globalization and the invasion of the personal information by companies nowadays. That's why some people think that the they have less communication.

The fact is that technology advances and the evolution continues. Nobody can stop the progress, and nowadays it is difficult to live without  technology. If it is true that we need a balance between technology and social interaction,  Where do you think  the problem is?.. Why the technology have vices?

The answers to this questions depend on each person and how the people use Technology, I want to illustrate this with a  sentence "One gun is not able able to kill another person alone, the gun needs somebody to press the trigger" , so What do you do with the technology?

I think the Virtues that technology can give us is more important, and some day with help of technology, the society can git together and try to look at the common well-being. One example of this is the space station that was created by USA and Russia, two country's  that in the past had problems, but they worked together to do something.

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