Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jude-2- The pipe line that across Alberta and British Columbia

Conditions of using B.C

 Every achievement or development has negative side even though that has great side; for example, Eifle tower in Paris, one of its landmarks, had dominant disagreement consensus before it was built. In Korea, likewise, before it built highway that links Seoul, its capital and Busan, second biggest city in it many people against it because there seemed it would be in no use. However, those became the most successful projects in its own country; it has brought a lot of fortune, made people's life easier, boost its economy and eventually it has remained as successful project.

 Vancouver is facing similar case with its pipe line that will convey oil from Alberta to British Columbia, more precisely its port, to import. Since it is the very beginning of the project, there are a lot of controversy regarding finance, responsibility when it has an accident and environment.

 Voices from agreeing are that because building pipelines make oil import easier so it offers more job opportunity, brings lots of fortunes from other countries and helpful for economy. On the other hand, people who against it are mainly worrying about the environment; for coming reasons such as leaking in the pipe line.

 The answer is, in a nut shell, take responsibilities fairly Alberta and British Columbia. Also hear voices from people against this and supple it. You both are still state of Canada not seperated countries.

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