Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bahar - #3 - All The World is a Stage

All the World is a Stage

     Life is so strange that we all meet new people, let them into our lives, become very close, fall apart, some do us wrong, some let us down, some teach us something we would always remember. every single incident we experience is for us to learn something and move on.

     Our lives could be assumed as a stage. There is drama, love, regrets, happiness, sadness, losses, disappointments. Even we watch our own lives from outside the stage and see that life is full of coincidences and surprises.
     In my opinion, everything happens for some reason. People change so that you learn how to let go, you feel lonely so that you realise how important the friendship and family are. Things go wrong so that you appreciate when they are right.

     The stage is the same as what is happening in your life. There are key players, audiences, boring parts, adorable parts and a conclusion. Likewise there are reasons and consequences.

     We, in our own stage, are the key players and everything is affected by our moves. Therefore each move we make will come around as a result. To live a good life, we should consciously do what we intend to do, learn from our mistakes and try not to fail again.

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