Tuesday, February 19, 2013



How do we deal with procrastination ?

Have you ever heard the saying "Procrastination is the thief of time"? I totally agree with this expression. You can say it again ! Everyone knows that time flies. So, we want to spend time more usefully than we did. If we don't make  plans before we start something new, we might take the wrong direction. 
However, I didn't mean to make plans all the time. You just need to realize where you are and what  you are doing. For me, When I'm in trouble, I usually get lazy. That time, I just stay up all the time, and don't do anything. I don't even know what to do. So, I always regret about that later. I tell myself "Oh, I should not just stay up all the time without any thinking. Time is gold".  
Nowadays, I'm trying to make simple plans before going to bed.  Don't trust yourself  for sure.  It is really difficult to know what human beings  exactly  think about and what things are on their mind. What makes you happy? What makes you get more passionate? Make sure that what you really want to you do. After you realize that, go ahead!

Time never gives unfair treatment to anybody. Keep in mind, time doesn't wait for you. Where are you going on your life? How is it going?
If you are worried about past happenings that you made mistakes, simply forget about them. Just let it go and let's not put them off one more day. 
Don't hesitate, but also don't rush it.

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