Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Luis - 11 - AI

The Artificial Intelligences , The Solutions To The Humanity Problems?

After to watching these two videos, Do you think our problems can be resolved with Artificial Intelligentce?. I think yes, because, we can see how the humanity receive the benefit of the technology. We are going to take the first step of the new era.  Now we can live and play with robots. Children use the computers and the cellphones in their dairy activities. All those things are possible with the invention of the Artificial Intelligence. That Invention is part of the mathematics algorithm and that algorithm permit robots to learn with trial and error. In the beginning, the the robots needed to do step by step, for example, the robotic arm, first raise the arm, extend the arm, after they need to receive to coordinate the target and they have two options, the human can introduce  the information, or we create something to receive that information by himself. After doing all those steps, we need to recollect the information and make the algorithm. In this way, we need to repeat those steps for lots of times, because the Artificial Intelligence need to learn how to do the things fastter and more efficiently. Now the robots are more efficient and they have the ability to auto-change the program, have new sources to learn and the capacity to do more movements. With those abilities the humanity can have a better life. Some people with disability have the opportunity  to follow with her life without the help of somebody.
However, some people think that is dangerous to permit the robots to learn, because they can't have the ability to understand some feelings, and they can make mistakes and their decision can affect the humanity. 

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