Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mayra-8-Intercultural Relationship

                          Intercultural Relationships can be success???

Some people can be answer "no", but what about people who will answer "yes"??? Everybody knows that have a relationship with a person from another country could be complicated.

There are many differences between each one, such as culture, manners and lifestyle, but nowadays this doesn't matter, people are having relationships day by day. I think this is easy when you and the other person are in the same country sharing a same culture and trying to adapt a new lifestyle, where you both can enjoy  to be together, living a new experiences with mutual friends and everyone will learn from each other.

Having a intercultural relationship brings some problems, when people realize that they have to go back to their countries, when this day arrives they must make a really important decision, and they must choose if they want to keep the relationship, break up or be together in the place where they have been knowing?

Some will decide to keep the relationship knowing that the distance between them could change their mind and maybe someday they will break up, but there are people who take the risk to be with the person who they love. They are willing to leave their countries to stay with the person that make them feel happy. They know that everything will change, they have to adapt a new life with their partner, she or he will respect each other, because everyone has their own personality and they will need time and space to live together and start a new family.

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