Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bahar - 1 - 2033

Me in 2033

Daydreaming is one the best things that makes people feel good and positive about the future. We can place ourselves wherever we want no matter how impossible it is. However, the reality is totally different. I have experienced that what we expect or plan never comes completely true.

Some say it is up to us and the way we look at it. In my opinion, planning is not a good idea as we might get disappointed when we face the results.

Of course we shouldn’t be pessimistic about our lives, so I will try to picture myself in 2033, and write about how I want to see myself. Twenty years from now, I see myself at my own hotel which is such a peaceful and nice place. It is by the sea and has a swimming pool. Every morning I am waking up happy and thankful for life and after having breakfast, I am reading the newspaper, getting ready for the day. I see myself taking care of the hotel and talking to the guests. I have two dogs and I am single as usual, surrounded by my good friends instead.

In years, people change their minds, start looking from different perspectives. At the age of 49, I won’t be feeling the way I feel now and the idea of having and managing a hotel will probably seem to be out of question to me. Strangely I cannot see myself in the future in any place other than having something that belongs to me. The city where I live would be by the sea but I have no idea where it is. Everything seems to be blurry to me.

I hope I will be lucky and won’t fail in life. Learning from the mistakes, I will be more mature and wise to   enjoy life.

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