Thursday, February 14, 2013

Luis - 10 - All The World Is A Stage

All The World Is A Stage...

and we are merely players....

I'm interpret that sentences with this meaning. We are part of a big show, We borned when the curtain was open, and all the plot is our life, depend of us how acting. We can make with our play wherever we want. We can make a good paper in our part with entertainment, happy and excited. Or we can do nothing and only spend the time. Sometimes, when have difficult situations with our family or friends, or issues that happened, the plot show more interesting, we need to pass for that stage before, to see the first actor in the best moment, like a super start of the play.

Sometimes in the play, have a special guest, maybe your friends, girlfriends, or people near to you, and we pass part of our play with them. We can smile, laughter, cry and show our feelings. But, in other moments, we have to pass moments alone, with yourself, wander about that you learn and try to obtain feedback of your life, because sometimes we need to make a break with the play, and prepare for the second chapter.

Well. In the final, doesn't matter what are you doing with your life. We always have the same end, when the curtain close. So, try to do all the things that you want to do in life. Try to have the best memories, and do your dreams reality. Because, the people might remember you, if you have a good history.

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