Thursday, February 7, 2013

Jude. 7. Only in Korea

Nowhere else but only in Korea

 Nowadays Korea is getting unveiled and showing itself to the world; for example, performing well in many athletic competitions such as Olympic and World cup, and selling Korea-made products everywhere in the world like semi conductors, cell phones, cars, technologies and systems. Most noticeably, Korea is also selling its culture known as 'Hanryu' such as K-drama, K-movie and K-pop. 'Gangnam style' is a good example. However, Korea is still not completely discovered by the rest of the world. That's why I like to answer questions such as 'what is special about Korea?' or 'what are things can be found only in Korea?'
Let me answer those questions.

 First, Age calendar is not the same as any countries. My age in Canada and other countries is 24. Sadly but true, I am 26 in Korean calendar. Let me explain why I am older in Korea. When we are born, we are already considered one year old and when new year comes all Koreans get one more year. So Koreans can have age gaps up to two years compare to other calendars. It is because our ancestors took into account the the lifetime of the baby during pregnancy.

 Another thing is that Koreans do love spicy foods more than any others. There is a restaurant near my house famous for its super spicy cold noodle. When I went there first, I bet that noodle was designed to kill people. I even got angry for eating that but after I went there a few more times, I got addicted and cried and ate at the same time. Many foreigners think that if the food is too spicy then, it would paralyze the tongue so you'll taste nothing. Well, it is partially true but not really. The more spicy the food is, the more it sells in Korea.

 There are countless more things only or almost only in Korea such as 'couple look', tough towel called 'Italy towel', law to respect one's parents, parallel 38 which divides north and south Korea, 12 hour-studying-students and my lovely parents.Come and check what's so special about Korea.

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