Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Going to 2033…

How will our live be  in 2033? Great question!!! I have never thought about this. What will happen to me? will  I have my own house, husband, and kids …?

So now is time to think about this…

I would like my future life be like a dream, but I'm going to tell you how it will change: In twenty years or more, I will be older and will be an amazing woman who has found her soulmate and got married, when she was twenty seven almost twenty eight with a really awesome man, who was twenty nine, a professional and the man that did the impossible to be with me, this is the first part.

After that, we will be together for the rest of our live forming an adorable family. I would like to have three kids, yes three!!! That is amazing, right??? Actually I would like but I'm thinking about  having less, because if I had three, I wouldn't have enough money to spend it off, that sounds horrible!!! But I would like to have a big family, my kids will be very nice to other people and my husband and I will give them the best.

I would like to work in borders and customs office until my last day, that my husband and my children support me in my decisions and finally I would like to live close to the beach, because I will be living close to my job and I will enjoy to play with my sons and daughter on the beach.

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