Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Luis - 6 - Intercultural Relationships.

3 Tips To Conquer The Girl In Vancouver

First I want to be honest, the international relations can have two both of side, one of the side is really awesome and exciting. On the other hand, It can be difficult and maybe is the suicide. But I'm sure that you don't care about that warning, so, we can enter in matter.

In my case, I'm a Men and when I arrived to Canada, I have never thought that the Koreans and Japaneses are really beautiful, and I don't want to mention of the Brazil and North of Europe, they are out of this world.
When you see those girl, is very easy to fall in love in the first sight. The first idea that you have is, "Those girls are impossible for my", How do you think I can have a relation with those girls?.

The first step that you need to do is, overcome the fear. You need to speak with the girl, the most common world actually is Hello, because all know English. So you say "Hello". Go ahead Boy!! Is sure that when you say "Hello", the girl answer with "Hello". Don't be shinny, you need to arrive sure of your personality.

Second,try to speak in English, but in case that not result, try to explain with mimic or drawing, remember that the important is make smile the girl, all the girls find attractive the man's when they are sympathetic.

finally, ask for out when you have the best opportunity, the best opportunity is when you are alone. I recommend you a good place and cheaper that you can go. For example, Stanley Park, there you can wait for the sunset,  English Bay or Lynn Canyon Park and Suspension Bridge.

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