Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Larissa - 6 - Wasteful society

I'm done.

Frutas e vegetais são os alimentos mais desperdiçados, diz ONUWe should be called the disposable society. I can't agree more and my reader should know why. According to a study done by UN (United Nations), 1/3 of the food in the world is wasted or we can say that the rich countries spend the same amount that South Africa can produce.

The study also says that  when we talk about North America and Europe, the numbers show about 100 kilos or 220.462 pounds are wasted by each consumer every year. Isn't that scary?

To make matters worse, do you know how many people don't eat well to be considered healthy?

About 925 million people. Yes, isn't that insane?!! Also a very curious thing that I did not know is that more than  half of these people live in Asia and in the Pacific.

Wow, we should be shocked with all these numbers, but mainly the people would read and say: - Well, there's nothing I can actually do. But I will say: - Yes, there is !!!

First: - Stop wasting food! (Pretty simple, eh?)
Second: - If you have leftovers in your fridge, why dont you donate it to the food bank? It's a place where you can donate food and they feed people who cannot afford to buy anything or who live in the streets.

Let's stop thinking that everything we can do is to put the guilt on the government and say they don't do anything; It is our duty as citizens and people.

As a saying in my country goes: One hand washes the other and both wash the face, it means, if we help each other  we can create the opportunity to live in a place better for everybody.

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