Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Nataliya-1-Procrastination is the thief of life

Procrastination is not only the thief of time but life!

Time is a very important concept  nowadays. We use our time without thinking about the consequences and we don’t realize that the time spent in vain will never return. Millions of people don’t have enough time to do something or they are procrastinating because they can not properly manage their lives and time. We are wasting our time when  choosing products in a large supermarket or spend the time to select a TV program from the proposed 100 different show, news and film channals: a lot of time we spend on transportation, waiting for bus or just in traffic. We complain that we don’t have time to meet up with friends or family, read a book, or just go out to nature and relax. This comes from the fact that we all leave things for  the last minute.
 We often choose easy ways and procrastinate important things for the best time. People become more lazy than they were many years ago. Now we have everything which simplifies our existence: microwaves, washing machines, cars etc. It seems that everything should be easy and faster but we still don’t have enough time  for everything and for everyone. The only solution in this situation that I can think of  is to plan our time properly and never procrastinate when it comes to important things.

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