Love beyond limits.
Love between people is getting more limited. Yes. limited. People are not loving each other anymore for what they are, for their personality, but for their possessions or what they can offer. It's getting more common to see arrangements like: a guy taking care of a girl's bills so they can have a relationship and, of course, on the other way too.
Not also but people seem to be more selfish and care more about themselves first than to help another person which is in a difficult situation. Nowadays, it's almost normal for a person to feel alone in the middle of a crowd. We think is easier to find a boyfriend/girlfriend, friends now with all technology however I believe that it is much harder to find truth and loyalty within these relationships.
Love cannot be shown by the amount of the money you have, the possesions or for your social status. Love is only shown through your acts. I consider real love is when a person that can see your flaws and even still love you unconditionally, usually like parents' love. A person that will say something sometimes that you do not want to listen to but deep down they do not want you to get hurt.
Real love can be felt in the difficulty situations, on the concern from other people to you. On your effort to make them happy, on their effort to make you happy. love without prejudice. love without boundaries.
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