Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Larissa - 7 - Good Riddance!! :)

Say good riddance to the bad feelings!!

Once in a while we caught ourselves so busy with our own feelings that we cannot even deal with other's feelings very well. So, i what i wanted to say to my bad feelings: GOOD RIDDANCE!! Yes, get rid of it.

Some feelings don't enrich yourself in anything, they just keep there, taking your time, making you always a step back instead of moving forward, so, bad feelings, good byeeeeee! UHHHHH SO GOOD! Live a fully life, forget the bad things that people had made to you. As mommy says: It doesn't worth to cry over the spilled milk. 

It means that keeping that old feelings of anger, anxiety, sadness will not take you anywhere. If life is not good right now just live each day without thinking about the past. Live the present. Live now. 

Yesterday is gone. You have a new chance every second to make your life better and create a new opportunity to maybe find your happy ending. Nothing is permanent. Even the Bible says: "weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning". (Psamls 30 - 5)

Change your attitude, your life will be changed. Good Riddance, hope never see you here again, bad feelings :)

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