Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Good bye Luis

Today cooking class: How to say good bye to our friend Luis !

1. Just choose a friend who is leaving soon !
 Friend name: Luis Edmundo Partida Garduño

2. Let's say about ingredients.To explain about the friend. How do you know him ? 
I met him at Pera College for a month ago. He's from Mexico. He always sits opposite to me.
So, I can see him all the time in the class. I think he is a hardworking and outgoing person. Moreover, he is really kind to people. He gave us some candies on Vanlentine Day. What a Gentle GUY ! That's why he has made lots of friends in other places as well as at Pera College. He likes listening  to  music becuase when I see him, he usally enjoy listening to music in class.

3. How to prepare ! How did you make good memories with him?
For me, Actually I just hung out with him once last Saturday. We went to a resturant to enjoy his farewell party. We were supposed to go to a Mexican restuarant. However, there were no seats for 7 people. We just moved to another place. After that, we got some food and beer while talking. We talked  for almost 3 hours. It was good for us and we got close to each other. Furthermore, we took a picture together today and he gave us some candies again ! I'm so sorry becuase I haven't done anything for him yet. So, that's why I've decided to write a letter for him. I'll be really happy if he enjoyed this letter.

4. Let's finish the recipe. To tell the friend what you want to say for the last time. 
Luis, I'm so glad that you were my friend in class. I'm going to miss you so much.
Don't forget me and Please, remember "really?" "Ah-ha?" hahaha I think you know what ! :) 

5. Let's say Good bye,Luis!
Good bye, Luis! Take care and safe flight!
I wish you good luck. Keep in touch ! :) 


  1. Thank You Wendy for your words and you say the true kkk... I like listen the music kkk. And for sure we can keep in touch and you now that have a friend in Mexico. You are part of my life now and you'll be in my heart. Again thank you and I ever remember you Ho - Ho !! kk

  2. I will send kimchi pasta to Mexico for sure!!
