Thursday, February 21, 2013

denise- Children&Cellphones

Unsocial Society

Nowadays people addict to their cellphones. We can't imagine a life without them. While waiting for a bus, walking on the street or in the sky train it's pretty usual to see people when they're checking their cellphones

Cellphones make our lives easier and more comfortable. It makes to communicate with the people around us easily,  helps us to reach an information that we need to find, makes us updated about the news, and so on. It seems like for an adult having a cellphone is a lifesaver. How about for children? Does it that important for them too? In my opinion, it doesn't.

There are some dangers of having a cellphone for children. First of all if they can whatever they want easily, then its hard for the parents to manage the expenses. When these children grow up they will have a desire to buy whatever they want. Parents should think twice before to meet their children's demands.

Second of all there are some people who are seducing people especially teenagers. Sometimes it's mentally but sometimes they try to get some money from them.

Most important danger is children may have some problem about socialising. Children spend most of their times go online; on facebook, on twitter, or with some video games. It steals the time from them when they need to do their homework, meet their friends or talk with their family.

World is changing. When I was a kid, I was dying to go out to play with my friends. Nowadays kids spending their time at their room while chatting on Internet or playing games. It causes miscommunication problems in their families. Instead of playing with their siblings they prefer to spending their times on Internet via computers or cellphones. They get used to have unnatural way of communication. I'm afraid in near future we will live in a unreal world with our unsocial identities, like a video game.

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