Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cellphones need responsibility and children don't have it at all!

Nowadays we are living in a technological and consumer world, where most of the people in the world enjoy and see  tech items as an  important thing in their life, so they spend big amounts of money to get those gadgets. That's why it is now  usual to see lots of people with their smartphones in the streets and  even in nightclubs or in  restaurants where we're supposed  to go and  share our time and talk with our friends or family.

The truth is that we are caught in the smartphones world and that's why several of us can't live  without our cellphones for a day. I mean,  cellphones have become essential in life as water or maybe even more than that. But have you ever asked  yourself, how   your life used to be before you began to use cellphones?. So maybe it was better in some ways but also less easier than now! ...

Do you realize that we are born when cellphones began their way to become famous in the world?.. so maybe we can remember that in our childhood and also in our youth we spent time playing and talking with our friends, also calling our friends to their houses and having good real moments in restaurants ,but now we can see that children and teenagers use smartphones everyday at all times and for sure that's because they have more availability to access to technology but it doesn't mean that children have to use it how they want and in the moment they want because technology needs responsibility and children don't have it at all and that's because they are in other step of their life where is assumed that they have to explore their ability for talk, for think and also for search by their self and then they can be able to use this kind of technology that makes the life more easier.

The main thing here is that we have to realized that we have to allow the children live as we lived when we were their age and allow them to feel the beauty of live without cellphones because is obviusly that in a moment they have to use cellphones because is part of our life but first allow children know that the life is more than just text a message and find things in a very easy way.

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